Saturday 31 May 2014

Choosing the right gaming mouse

Having the right mouse that is optimised for gaming is essential for any serious gamer whether you're a first person shooter or a MMO player having a great mouse is just essential. So choosing the Right mouse to suit your play style is something I'm going to talk about in this brief informative article.

 So if you're a first person shooter player you really need a mouse that's very responsive and very accurate, when looking for a very responsive mouse you want to look for something that has a higher DPI rating than a everyday household mouse you want to choose something that is rated by other gamers to play with in your field. The cyborg rat 9 is one of the most respected professional gaming mouses within the first person shooter community and is widely used by some of the most respected gamers on the planet.

 If you're a MMO player then you really need something that has extra buttons that can be customised to your certain highly demanding needs to enhance your gameplay. These extra buttons on your mouse will allow you to create unique macros that you can activate in a blink of an eye. The razer naga is the best without a shadow of a doubt for MMO gamers because of the unique 12 digit number pad on the left-hand side which you can program with the unique software or in game. It also has two extra buttons integrated into the mouse wheel which are fully customisable. They are also two extra buttons located behind the mouse wheel which are easily reachable.

 These are two of the most recommended mouses within their respective fields and if you're serious about becoming a awesome gamer I would recommend that you upgrade your mouse to suit your ambitions because having the right equipment is the first step to owning noobs that little bit more.

 If you found any of this information helpful please take a look around the website and follow me on Google plus which you can find on the right hand side.


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