Looking to watch free TV then i'm sure i can point you in the right direction, Watching telly on the computer as become some what of a crazy of the last few years people buying expensive gadgets and gizmos and getting no where, i might add.
Watching your favorite show doesn't need to cost you a arm and a leg to can get access to a lot of channels around the world with a simple download, sounds simple right well that's because it's really that simple.
OK, So here it is this is a USA download only it will not work for any other country. TV on PC. It's a very simple piece of software and you can be up and running with 15-20 minutes from downloading.
I would highly recommend having a fast and unlimited broadband service because if you didn't know already streaming television to your computer eat a lot of your bandwidth. If your on a limited broadband plan then good lucky when your next broadband bill rolls in. Don't point the finger at me either!!
I hope this information helps you solving what you are doing and i would love to back from you in the comments below about how you got on with the software. really there was no need for a TV gadget for PC in this modern age it can all be done with some software specially coded for the purpose.
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